Sos. Pipera no. 42, 8th floor, Sector 2, Bucharest, postal code 020112
0800 872 874 (free of charge) / 021 304 0060 (normal rate, international dialling)
M-F: 09:00 -19:00
Who we are
Funding institutions
History, vision and values
Patria Credit Team
Awards obtained
Patria Credit supports
Patria InvestEU credit for Agro business
Roditor agricultural credit
Credit for investment in Agro land
Creditul pentru investiții în Euro
Patria InvestEU small business loan
Prosper Small Business Credit
Microfinance Day
Neighbour helps neighbour in need!
Win a tractor!
Other promotions
Closed promotions
Network of establishments
Practical Guide for Farmers
Identification data
Property Sales
Online market
Settlement of complaints
Payment of instalments
Online card payment is offered FREE by Patria Credit.
Also, the online rate payment is linked to a classic online card payment (identical to paying for a purchase), with ZERO fees for you.
Pay your credit rate
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You will find the credit code in the "Payment Letter" you received when you were granted the credit or on the payment card you received at home. The code is an 18-digit number.
Card Payment Guide
Enter the payment amount in LEI
We recommend that you pay the full monthly instalment.If you wish to make multiple payments, you can come back for payment.