Patria Credit Foundation

We want to actively contribute to the transformation of rural communities with all the dedication, commitment and knowledge we have gained in the more than 20 years we have been working in rural communities.

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Romania faces formidable challenges in terms of inclusive growth.

  • While poverty has declined, 35.7% of the population remained at risk of poverty or social exclusion.
  • Of Romania's 42 counties, 18 are considered to be at risk of poverty. Disparities in living standards between urban and rural areas are striking, with Romania having the second largest urban-rural income gap in the EU.
  • Rural areas account for over 45% of the population and lag far behind in terms of jobs, roads and financial infrastructure. Poverty is 20% higher in rural areas than in urban regions.


The Foundation's work focuses on three areas:

  1. The development of Romanian villages, with a focus on preserving and cultivating local traditions. We recognize the gap between urban and rural Romania, the importance of bridging it and the need to increase social, financial and economic inclusion, while preserving the authenticity and unique vibrancy of the Romanian village.
  2. Developing entrepreneurship through innovation. We believe that the Romanian countryside can be developed through learning, by increasing the entrepreneurial skills of the farming and business community, through support, innovation and social involvement.
  3. Developing agricultural potential through digitalization and with respect for the environment. Promoting digital agriculture together with new technologies can reduce climate impacts. Promoting digital agriculture alongside new technologies can reduce climate impacts, increase resilience and competitiveness, and is a step towards more efficient, productive and economically advantageous grassroots agriculture.


Rural communities & farmers - the European & consumer perspective

3 long-term EU rural development objectives

  • Promoting the competitiveness of agriculture;
  • Ensuring sustainable management of natural resources and climate action;
  • Achieving a balanced territorial development of rural economies and communities, including job creation and maintenance;

1. The Romanian countryside has a great potential, human and agricultural and is capable of attracting new farmers and generating the development of a vibrant rural community;

2. Social entrepreneurship & social innovation in rural areas can contribute to community development and increase social, economic and financial inclusion. Poverty reduction in rural areas involves structural change and contributes to increased productivity and resilience of the agricultural sector.

3. Digital technologies have high potential to enable the development of the rural agricultural sector, significantly reshape food value chains and greatly contribute to more productive, resilient and transparent food systems.


Promoting digital agriculture alongside new technologies can reduce climate impacts, increase resilience and competitiveness, and is a step towards more efficient, productive and economically advantageous grassroots farming.

We will contribute to the transformation of rural communities with all the dedication, commitment and knowledge we have accumulated in our more than 15 years in rural communities. And we will seek partners who want the same.


One of our flagship projects is the Microfinance Socio-Economic Impact Study, which was conducted in 2022.

More than nine out of ten clients of Patria Credit IFN have invested the amounts borrowed from this non-bank financial institution to develop their small business, shows the study "Socio-economic impact of microfinance offered by Patria Credit IFN SA in rural and small urban communities", conducted by the Patria Credit Foundation, with funding from Patria Credit IFN SA and the European Fund for South-East Europe (EFSE).

The main findings of the study can be found here.